Sharing know-how

KMC  shares practical know-how and R&D results with customers in order to help ensure the most effective use of our ingredients in the most cost-effective production of their products.

Meet the R&D staff

Applied know-how

The R&D staff at KMC are true disciples of the potato and what it can do – or be made to do.

Our R&D focus is on natural polymer chemistry, food technology and pretty much any other innovative technical capability we can apply to tackling our customers’ practical requirements and commercial priorities better. We’re always on the lookout for new ways to help you optimise your products – or find new ways of using KMC ingredients to make them more profitable for you. 

Our staff are creative, highly qualified people who excel at spotting new and unconventional solutions to a wide range of practical difficulties. And at finding new angles that might be developed to meet your needs better.

Distributed development
Our R&D efforts actually take place throughout the company – ideas about small tweaks and new angles emerge all over the place when we’re working with practical customer issues and production challenges. This results in a creative, fast-acting innovation incubator eager to move beyond “traditional procedures”.

The R&D department also collates requests and suggestions from customers and KMC agents as well as our sales, KMC Application experts and QA specialists. We use all these inputs to develop and refine our ingredients and how they can be used in your production processes.

Results are crucial

 KMC ingredients are designed to help you achieve – and maintain – a key commercial advantage in the fiercely competitive world of processed food products. We focus on making sure KMC ingredients achieve the best results in your production set-up. We help you make your products cope effectively with changing commercial requirements and consumer preferences.

KMC know-how is at your disposal to help you prevent and eliminate practical glitches, boost your profit margins and satisfy your customers more.

Know-how at your disposal
Our transparent, inclusive approach means we place KMC know-how and accumulated expertise, as well as the benefits of ongoing KMC R&D efforts, at your disposal.

KMC Innovation Center

The food-grade experimental kitchens in the KMC Innovation Center prepare small-portion trial batches of key customer products – optimizing and developing the best production settings to get the most out of the KMC ingredients.

Creative incubator
The KMC Innovation Center is a creative, technical incubator for new product ideas, process adjustments, recipe optimization, and trials of new KMC ingredients.

Excellence by experiment
The Innovation Center is specially designed to meet the unique needs of our customers, with rapid-response experts to help when you need it.

Interactive innovation in state-of-the-art facilities
In June 2024 we opened a brand new Innovation Center with improved facilities and a pilot hall for larger scale tests. We invite our customers to visit the Innovation Center whenever needed – or to get one of our specialists to visit your production setup.

We build our business by helping you make a success of yours, and applied know-how is the most effective way to do this.


R&D Lab

Studies can subsequently be scaled up to pilot tests and production trials on customer premises. These and other tests pave the way to fully-fledged products. 

Efficient implementation
We use the very latest technology in both our process equipment and monitoring systems, including sophisticated computer modeling to assess test results. This means we’re able to plan, carry out and evaluate R&D projects rapidly, effectively, and safely.

Academic interplay
We work closely with higher education bodies in Denmark and elsewhere, in order to tap into and cooperate with the very latest technological know-how available, as well as supporting the training of new generations of technical specialists.