Open vacancies

Current vacancies

Pakkerioperatør / Packing Operator - Aftenhold

KMC Derivat

Head of Business Development


Head of Sales - Europe


Digital Project Manager


Team Leader 

Maintenance, KMC Granules


If you do not find a vacancy that matches your interests you can sign up for one of our JobAgents. Hereby you will automatically recieve an email every time we post a position that matches your preferences. 

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Unsolicited applications

KMC’s future depends on us having people with the know-how and skills to meet changing needs.

If you think you’d be a good fit for what we do and how we work here at KMC, you’re welcome to send us an unsolicited application.

Looking for a collaboration?

Project proposals

If you're looking for an opening for a research project, development trial, work placement or some other kind of project that you feel could be of interest for KMC, we suggest you get in touch. 

Send us an e-mail containing your CV. 

We keep your data safe

GDPR information

Here you can read more about how we handle your personal information when you apply for a position with us or send us an unsolicited application.